martes, 21 de abril de 2020

writing exercice 1, 2.3.5

I hope to hear from you soon.  (at the end of the text) Clossing 

Thanks you very much for you letter ( (at the end of the text) clossing 

How's your family?( at the beginning of the text)  introduction

Love, (at the beginning or at the end) introduction or clossing)

Dear Caroline (  at the beginnig of the text) introduction

Well, thats'sall my news ( at the end  of the body) conclusion 

Best wishes. (  at the end of the text ) clossing 

I have some goodl news ( at the end of the text )  (conclusion )

Give my regards to your brother .( clossing)

It was  great to hear from you . ( conclusion )

Hi sandy  ( greeting ) 

martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


Final Score

1. What is the title of the film?

Final score

2. Who is the director?

Scott Mann

3. Who is the screenwriter?

Pierce Brosnan


4. Where does the action take place?

 In a stadium Footbal

5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)

The action takes place in the present

6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction)

It is an action film


7. Who are the main characters?

The main characters are Dave  Bautista , Lara Peake, Pierce Bosnan 

8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

Dave Bautista was born in Washington USA, he is a strong guy with a bodybuilder body, he has brown eyes and he is very intelligent.

Lara Peake is a girl who was born in the USA, she has brown  eyes and she is a very intelligent girl and she is thin


kill him      
damn scoundrel
help me           

9. Write a definition in English

kill him :used for saying that you are very angry with someone. Wait until I get my hands on himI'll kill him.

damn scoundrel : It is used to tell someone that you are not covered or that makes you angry

Run :move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time.
"the dog ran across the road"

HELP :make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering them one's services or resources.

10. Translate them into Catalan

 Run - Corre
Help me - Ajudam 
Damm scoundre - Maldito sinverguenza 
Kill him - Matal

11. Write one sentence with each word

The Cat run more fast than the dog
Please help me i dont knou this map
 Please Kill heam this man 
Alex is a Damm scoundrel


torra: "It is necessary to confine all Catalonia"
The President of the Government of Catalonia awaits the finalization of the alarm and asks the Spanish government, which has the powers, "to set up the entire country confinement as soon as possible"

I think everyone should be careful about avoiding the virus and staying at home and avoiding contact with other people

Yucatan state government asks the citizenship to please “stay at ...

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020


TALKING A CALL           

(Name)   Speaking
How can/may i help you?


Hold the line please.
Just a moment, please.


Can i have your name?
Can i have your adress?


What  seems to be the problem ?


I'm a afraid it doesn't work properly.
i guessthe product is faulty .
i'd like to change / return the item.
i'd like to have a refound

I'm sorry to hear that.
Sorry,but that's our return policy.
Thank your for being so patient.


(Nom) Parlant

Com et puc ajudar?


Mantingueu la línia si us plau.

Un moment, si us plau.


Puc tenir el teu nom?

Puc tenir la teva adreça?


Quin és el problema?


Tinc por que no funcioni correctament.

Jo suposo que el producte és defectuós.

M'agradaria canviar / retornar l'element.

M'agradaria tenir una refundació


Em sap greu sentir això.

Ho sentim, però aquesta és la nostra política de devolució.

Gràcies per ser tan pacient.

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

Describing an object

Sebi: Hi grandma! i have a light bulb !

Grandma :Really ?And  what is a light bulb?

Sebi:Oh grandma............................. you don't know what a light bulb is!

Grandma:When i was young we didn't have a digital camera is !

Sebi:Ok i will try to describe one for you , It is a device that gets into electricity and makes light ,it is
it has a rounded shape.

Grandma:What colour is it?

Sebi:It is transparent but it can be red ,blue

Grandma :And why is transparent ?

Sebi :That lets the light through and allows you to see through its mass what is behind.

Grandma:What is it made of?

Sebi:Is made of glass.

Grandama:And how does it work?

Sebi:it goes into the plug that is made special for light bulbs.

Grandma:Oh...Can i see it ?

Sebi:No, because you're old and clumsy

Grandma:Wow of course.

Resultado de imagen de bombillas viejas

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2019

writing:old videogames or modern videogames ?

Today we will talk about old and modern video games.
 Video games were created in 1971 and became increasingly modern
One advantage is that modern ones  has a better graphics quality than the old ones.
A positive quality is that the modern ones are more real than the old ones.
One negative thing is the old videogames is they are slower than the moderns,
I like the fact that I like the fact that moderns are updated every so often.
I do not like the fact that old video games are not so popular today.
My opinion is that without video games we could not live.

Imagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen de videojocs moderns

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019

buying and selling a computer

Cesc: Good Morning, How can i help you?
Sebi:  Good Morrning , I'm looking for a computer with 20 tb and a good graphic card.
Cesc: You can look at the catalog to see what you like.
Sebi:I would like the one on page 4 worth € 1,600.
Cesc:Well, there's no problem , would you like any additional component?
Sebi:Yes, I would like 2 more speakers and a monitor.
Cesc:Okay, the only speakers we have cost € 200 And the monitor we recommend is the LG brand and it costs € 125.
Sebi: Okay, I bought everything
Cesc:Okay , how do you want to pay in cash or with card?
Sebi:I would like to pay with a card.
Cesc: Okey, thank you for a purchase .
Sebi; Thank you and good bye .

writing exercice 1, 2.3.5

I hope to hear from you soon.  (at the end of the text) Clossing  Thanks you very much for you letter ( (at the end of the text) clossing...