lunes, 28 de octubre de 2019


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lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019

Let's talk about work

What do you do?

I'm doing homework

Do you enjoy being a  footbal player , Because i like footbal .

What would you like to be ?  i like a master fc  because   i like tactics .

Would you prefer a job that pays well or a job you enjoy ?

i prefer  a job that pays well . Because the money is the most important.

What kind of office work does a secretary do ?

Organized the papers .

Which job would you never want to do ?

 I never want to  be a teacher because i dont like study.

In your opinion , what is the most boring job in the world?

The most boring in the world is a builder.

What's your father's job? what time does he start work?

my father job is  arquitect  and he start at 7:00 AM

Wich jobs pay well ?

Fotball player , Teacher and police man.

Do you prefer working indoors or outdoors ?

i like work outdoors , because i like the air .

Do you think being a singer is a hard job?

No because is very easy sing .

What theree things are most important for you in a job?

For me the most important thing is that the   boss treat me well and that I like it.
Who in your family or among your friends has the most interesting job?
My dad  because he's a arquitect .
What does your  mother do? What time does she finish work?
my mother is a baker  she  start at 6 am and   she finish at 12 am .
In wich jobs do you have to wear a uniforms?  in a secretary , a engineer and a manager .
Name 3 outdoor jobs . would you like to do any of them? footbal player , monitor kayak and fish monger .
In which jobs do you need to work evenings and weekends ? footbal players basket players and taxi driver 
If you could have your own business,what would it be?
set up a soccer team
Do you think professional sports player are overpaid? no because the fotball player is a danger job.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019


 Hello my name is Sebi  and I live in Os de Balaguer.

I go to School by  Helicopter  The name with my school is IES Almatà , is a big

school  and has a computer class and a big gym and 2 play grounds.

I lunch at home   and during the break i eat.

The class start at 8:15 and finish  at 1:40 . and the breack starts at 11.15 . I

study information tecnology

 My favourite subject  is English. Because  the language is easy .     And  after

school i play fifa 20
Imagen relacionada
with my ps4.  

Resultado de imagen de ps4 fifa 20

Resultado de imagen de escuela con helicoptero

writing exercice 1, 2.3.5

I hope to hear from you soon.  (at the end of the text) Clossing  Thanks you very much for you letter ( (at the end of the text) clossing...