miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

Describing an object

Sebi: Hi grandma! i have a light bulb !

Grandma :Really ?And  what is a light bulb?

Sebi:Oh grandma............................. you don't know what a light bulb is!

Grandma:When i was young we didn't have a digital camera is !

Sebi:Ok i will try to describe one for you , It is a device that gets into electricity and makes light ,it is
it has a rounded shape.

Grandma:What colour is it?

Sebi:It is transparent but it can be red ,blue

Grandma :And why is transparent ?

Sebi :That lets the light through and allows you to see through its mass what is behind.

Grandma:What is it made of?

Sebi:Is made of glass.

Grandama:And how does it work?

Sebi:it goes into the plug that is made special for light bulbs.

Grandma:Oh...Can i see it ?

Sebi:No, because you're old and clumsy

Grandma:Wow of course.

Resultado de imagen de bombillas viejas

writing exercice 1, 2.3.5

I hope to hear from you soon.  (at the end of the text) Clossing  Thanks you very much for you letter ( (at the end of the text) clossing...