martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

Daily routine a b

wake up- despertarse .
get up-aixecarse.
get dressed-vestirse.
go to the bathroom-anar al llavabo.
have a shower-ducharse.
brush my teeth rentar les dents.
comb my hair- pentinarse.
have a breackfast-esmorzar.
make the bed-fer el llit.
leave home-marxar de casa.
go tho school- anar al cole.
arrive at home-arribar al cole.
start school-comensar el cole.
finish school-acabar el cole.
do the homework-fer els deures.
come back home-tornar a casa.
help my mother at home- ajudar ala meva mare a casa.
have a lunch dinner-dinar.
talk on the phone- parlar pel mobil.
 work on the computer -treballar amb l ordinador.
feed the cat- alimentar al gat.
do the housework- endresar la casa.
walk the dog- passejar al gos.
watch tv-mirar la tele.
listen to music-escoltar musica.
download music and films- descargar musica o pelicules.
play computer game- jugar a l ordinador.
surf the net- navegar pel la red.
update my status on the facebook- actualitzar el meu estado de facebook.
check my e-mail - mirar el email.
get undressed - desvestirse.
say the prayers - rezar la oració.
go to bed- anar al llit.
go to sleep- anar a dormir.


Peter Starts (start) his day at 7:00. He has (have) breackfast in the kitchen with all the family. Each member fixes (fix)his own breackfast. Peter likes (like) orange juice, toast and milk. He always has (have) an apple: his mother  believes (believe)  ´ an apple a day keeps (keep) the doctor  away¨. After breackfast Peter makes (make) his bed  and  tidys (tidy) up his bedroom. He gets  (get)  ready for  lessons. He mustn´t be late, mother goes ( be) very strict.
At 8.00 the Hanson kids start (start) their lessons. At midday they  have (have) lunch. Then it´ s sport time:they love (love)  playing basketball, in-line staking and skate boarding. After a refreshing shower the Hanson brothers  rehearse (rehearse)  till dinneer, because their fans.Goes  (be) very demanding: they want (want) every detail to be OK. Peter and his  brothers havent ( not have) dinner with their parents  as their father is always late. Their mother  like not ( not/like) it very much. So, at   weekends they be (be) always together.
C. Mary wakes ( wake) up at 7:00.  Then  she   gets ( get) up at  7:30and she goes ( go)  to the bathroom. She  haves ( have) a shower, brushes (brush)  her teeth  and combes ( comb) her hair.  Afterwards she  haves ( have) breackfast . Ten minutes  later she takes ( take)  her satchel, kisses (kiss)  her mother  and  catches ( catch)  a bus to school with her friend  Diana. They startes   (start) school at 9:00. They have not  (not -_have) lunch at the school canteen. At three o` clock they return ( return) home. 
In the afternoon, she  studyes ( study) her lessons  and rides (ride)  her bicycle.  In the evening she helps ( help)  her  mother prepare the dinner. After dinner she  watches ( watch) Tv  , her mother reads (read)
a magazine  and her father  goes (go)  to bed  earlier since he  to be  ( go) to bed  earlier  since go (be)  always  the first in the family to get up.  

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I hope to hear from you soon.  (at the end of the text) Clossing  Thanks you very much for you letter ( (at the end of the text) clossing...