martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018


1) Respect for others - respecta als altres
2)Time management  -   administrar el temps
3)Conflict resolution - - solucionar conflictes
4)Assertiveness - confiar en si mateix
5)Creative thinking - idees creatives
6) Probleme-solving - tenir capacitat 
7) Enterpreneurship -  emprenedoria
8)Active listening -  escolta
9)Money management -  administrar els diners
10)Cooperation - cooperar
11)Negotiation -  negociar 
12) Self awareness-  tenir conciencia 

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writing exercice 1, 2.3.5

I hope to hear from you soon.  (at the end of the text) Clossing  Thanks you very much for you letter ( (at the end of the text) clossing...